How to Use This Media Kit

Thank you for participating in the Wild on Wounds Conference! WOW is focused on advancing our healthcare workforce with impactful, hands-on wound care education built by and for clinicians. Clinicians come from all over the U.S. to network and participate in our workshops and learn new, advanced wound care treatments and technologies to better care for their patients.

The assets and messaging in this kit were developed to help you promote WOW. Please use them to help create a buzz!

Thank you for your support! If you have any questions, please contact us at

Shareable Assets

Click on images to download.

All images are sized for sharing on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Please do not crop, stretch, or alter these graphics.


Social Media Messaging

The suggested messaging can be used on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Use the hashtags and a link to the event website with additional details about WOW.​

Please be sure to tag us in your posts!


IG - @wcei_official and @nurse.com_​

FB – Wound Care Education Institute and​

LI – Wound Care Education Institute and

Please Use Our Main Hashtag Often:


Our secondary hashtag is:


Registration Page:​ WOW Registration


Option 1

Attention, #WildOnWounds attendees!

We are so excited to share that we will be attending year's Wild On Wounds conference.

Save the Date: August 14 - 17, 2024

Location: Phoenix, AZ

Register Here

Join us at #WOW24 and be part of the #WoundCare revolution!

Option 2

We are excited to see you at the Wild On Wounds (WOW) conference on August 14-17, 2024, in Phoenix, AZ.  Join us at #WOW24 #WoundCare!

Register Here

Option 3

We are excited to share that we will be at this year’s Wild On Wounds (WOW) conference August 14-17, 2024, at the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in Phoenix, AZ. 

Join us at #WOW24 and be part of the #WoundCare revolution!

Register Here

Here are emails to send announcing WOW! Click on the images for PDF versions. Click below the images for HTML.